Sideways Road Trip Revisited

I remember the dance between the wine’s rich, earthy berries and the rich mushroom risotto. It was a distinct wine experience for me and I realize now, knowing more than I did then, why Denise Shurtleff (winemaker) embraces the philosophy behind the wine making at Cambria. Which is "that the function of wine is to complement and extend the pleasure of a meal.” Mission accomplished!
I was reminded of this philosophy and reminiscing about the "Sideways" road trip when rummaging around for a bottle to open the other night. I came across the 2003 Cambria Pinot Noir # 667, Santa Maria Valley with 15.7% ALC. Price: $38 Score: 91 This was a superb PN! It has only aged a few years but it paid off in spades. I barely even noticed the 15.7% alc. as it sailed on my palate like a tall ship on a smooth sea. Each swirl, sniff and sip was a reminder how good, a great wine can be.
If you are ever in the area I recommend a trip to the tasting room. It is well worth the drive! If I may quote the wine maker who signed a few of our bottles the day we were there, in describing her work environment, (I'm so jealous) she said,"I'll stand by the winery with the mountains behind me and the Sisquoc River below me and gaze out over a sea of bright green vineyards as far as the eye can see. The grandeur of the Cambria Estate is impressive". Of course if you can't make it to the winery and see a bottle @ your favorite wine shop grab one and give it a swirl. You won't be disappointed!
