The sky's the limit with personalized labeled or etched wine bottles!

Personalizing a bottle of wine is a great gift idea in many ways, including impressing a client, a thoughtful and unique gesture for a wedding gift, or birthday! Just about any occasion you may think of really. I mean who doesn't appreciate a good bottle of wine or spirits? A gift like this from Etching Expressions is what I would call a meaningful gift.
Since I thought it was such a wonderful way to express my love of wine to others and at the same time personalize the gift as well, I contacted them directly an asked if I could write something about this great idea. So they said sure, some free advertising would be great, and how about we make a bottle etched with your own logo from your blog. Since I don't have a logo Tasha @ Etching Expressions came up with a bottle design for my blog. I think it turned out nicely! Check the picture below!

I asked Tasha my contact @ Etching Expressions about a concern of sending in my own bottles of wine. My questions was about the removal of the front label and or back labels to accommodate the etching process. Because of course I want the recipient of my gift to appreciate the caliber of wine I've sent in non-direct way.
Tasha replied, "When a customer sends in their wine it is typically because it is a specific brand name that they want, whether it be a friends winery, their winery, or their favorite brand. To keep that brand name relevant and visible on the etched bottle we keep the front label on. However, when done on our house wine, brand isn't really important so we remove the front label. Any other questions please let me know!" So you can see with great customer service and professionalism like Tasha, you and the recipient of your gift will be completely satisfied. If you have any further questions please check out their website and when you place your order tell them the Cuvee Corner Wine Blog sent you!