Unquenchable: A Tipsy Quest for the World's Best Bargain Wines
For most folks, much of the main Christmas shopping is now done, but some are still traipsing through crowded malls, looking for the perfect stocking stuffer for their wine loving friends or family members. I have a great idea to help you get that last minute gift secured. In fact I wrote a quick review of a book from one of my favorite authors, whose wine soaked journey's makes for the a fun look behind the label of many folks favorite wines.
Many folks today seeing the vapid materialism of Christmas, wonder geez what's the point? Helping to answer the question is a very unlikely source, but one we can all take some comfort in hearing his sage advice, “That’s the true spirit of Christmas; people being helped by people other than me”~Jerry Seinfeld. Now don't you feel better? His statement could not be truer, as I know many folks looking for a perfect gift this holiday season will be immensely helped by Natalie MacLean’s latest book Unquenchable.
Well well, we are right smack-dab in the middle of the Christmas shopping-season, just a few days left to get your shopping done. It’s with that in mind that I wanted to bring to your attention one of the best reads in recent memory, from an author who I not only admire, but I also appreciate her common sense approach to the wine scene. This book, in my opinion, is a must read for the average garden variety wandering-wino or even the cave dwelling vino-sapien in the audience suffering from a spat of sulfite fatigue...Read More
Many folks today seeing the vapid materialism of Christmas, wonder geez what's the point? Helping to answer the question is a very unlikely source, but one we can all take some comfort in hearing his sage advice, “That’s the true spirit of Christmas; people being helped by people other than me”~Jerry Seinfeld. Now don't you feel better? His statement could not be truer, as I know many folks looking for a perfect gift this holiday season will be immensely helped by Natalie MacLean’s latest book Unquenchable.
Well well, we are right smack-dab in the middle of the Christmas shopping-season, just a few days left to get your shopping done. It’s with that in mind that I wanted to bring to your attention one of the best reads in recent memory, from an author who I not only admire, but I also appreciate her common sense approach to the wine scene. This book, in my opinion, is a must read for the average garden variety wandering-wino or even the cave dwelling vino-sapien in the audience suffering from a spat of sulfite fatigue...Read More